Genelia copies Kareena Kapoor Khan, Victoria Beckham for attention?

Genelia copies Kareena Kapoor Khan, Victoria Beckham for attention? - Hello fans kareena kapoor khan news, at this time , kareenakhankapoor will provide news about Genelia copies Kareena Kapoor Khan, Victoria Beckham for attention?, we have summarized the latest news , gossip and facts about kareena kapoor khan just for you. Okay , here's the latest news.

Penyanyi : Genelia copies Kareena Kapoor Khan, Victoria Beckham for attention?
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Genelia copies Kareena Kapoor Khan, Victoria Beckham for attention?

Kareena Kapoor Khan
Kareena Kapoor Khan
Gone are the days when Bollywood divas used to be shy of copying their counterparts at public events. Now days, many divas are spotted wearing the same outfits that their counterparts wore at some other event. It seems like the competition is to tell their counterparts that 'I look better in this outfit’.  

Genelia D’Souza seems to be the latest diva to jump on to the ‘copy-cat’ bandwagon. The diva was spotted wearing a similar dress at LFW that Kareena Kapoor Khan and Victoria Beckham wore sometimes back. The only difference was the colour. Kareena and Victoria wore the red gown of the same pattern that Genelia was wearing.

Victoria wore the gown at a Chinese TV show was very similar to the red ASOS dress, which Kareena Kapoor Khan donned at the Filmfare award press conference in Delhi.


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